Chronology of Selected Key Legislations in Forest Management in Lao PDR

Chronology of Selected Key Legislations in Forest Management in Lao PDR



1989, the Council of Minister Decree (No. 117/CM) on Management and use of forest and forestland

The decree defined the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's (MAF) roles and duties concerning forestry, allocation of forest and forestland to villagers and various restrictions on logging by enterprises and local people.

1993, Prime Minister Decree (No. 169/PM) on management and use of forests and forestlands

The government regulated on forest definition, ownership, forest categorization, contract management of forests (including contract with villagers) and prohibition of development and forestry activities in protection and conservation forests, forest for tree planting and forest protection.

1996, MAF issued the Instruction No. 0054/MAF on Right and Traditional Uses of Natural Forest Resources, and MAF Guideline No. 377/MAF

To ensure the rights and traditional uses of natural forest resources; villagers are exempt from natural resource taxes and NTFP sale is permitted, villagers form groups or associations for commercial collection and activities follow government approved management plans.

1996, Prime Minister issued Order No. 03 on Continuation and Expansion of Land Management and Land and Forest Allocation

Provides a legal framework and guidelines for implementation of the land and forest allocation program.

1996, MAF issued the Instruction No 822, on Land and Forest Allocation for Management and Use

Provides a legal framework and guidelines for implementation of the land and forest allocation program.

1996, Forest Law

Provides a fundamental legal framework for sustainable forest management, including management planning and forest operations which, in principle, permit villages to participate in sustainable management of forests. In addition, forestry law highlights encouragement of local participation in tree planting through the creation of various incentives and subsidies.

2001, MAF regulation No. 0535/MAF on Village Forest Management was issued.

Provides implementing guidelines for classification of forestland allocated to villages and clarifies the rights and responsibilities of villagers in protecting, conserving and using their forest.

2002, Prime Minister issued Decree No. 59/PM on Sustainable Management of Production Forest

Provides the basic principles for establishment and management of production forest areas in coordination with local authorities. It also provides for delineation of production forest and management planning and acknowledges the participation of villages in all aspects of production forest management.

2003, MAF issued Regulation No. 0204/MAF

Provides principles for the establishment of participatory sustainable forest management in state production forest (SPF); roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in managing SPF, benefit sharing from logs and NTFPs.

2005, MAF developed Forest Strategy 2020

Scoped the implementation on forestry including Production Forest, Conservation Forest and Protection Forest. It also includes village forest management.

2007 Forest Law amended

Re-classified forest areas into three categories such as production Forest, Protection Forest and Conservation Forest. New forest law highlights the government policy to encourage local participation in forest management in all aspects.

2011 Prime Minister issues Decree on establishment of Ministry of Natural Resources (MoNRE)  

Forest management responsibilities are divided between Ministries of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) and the new ministry. In general, production forests remain with MAF, while protection and conservation forests, are with MoNRE.

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