

Total population

51,419,420 in 2014

Rural population

35,348,948 in 2014

69% of total population

Total land area

67,657,723 ha
Total land area (excluding inland water bodies) 65,755,000 ha

Forest land (permanent forest estate)

19,789,936 ha in 2015

30% of total land area

Total forest cover

30,472,505 ha in 2015

46% of total land area

Reserved forest

12,184,291 ha61.5% of forest land

Protected public forest

4,094,960 ha

20.7% of total forest land

Protected areas

3,510,685 ha17.7% of total forest land

Unclassified forests

10,682569 ha35% of forest cover

Forest cover change

-325,124 (-1.0%) per year between 2010–2014

Carbon stocks

1,615.27 mmt

Community managed forest

2,033 Forest User Groups with 53,420 members 

113,765 ha of community forests (May 2016)

Community forestry policies and programmes

Taungya agroforestry system (since 1856)


Forest Law (1992) Myanmar Forest Policy (1995)


Community Forestry Instructions (1995)


Forest Master Plan (2001)


UNDP TNRP Comfort Project (JICA)

Climate change mitigation and adaptation policies and programmes

Draft Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (MCCSAP) 2016




UN-REDD partner country