Forinfo resource kit

With the project "ForInfo: Livelihood Improvement Through Generation and Ownership of Forest Information by Local People in Products and Services Markets" funded by the Ministry for Foreirgn Affairs of Finland finishing by end of 2015,  results of the project's activities in Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Thailand, and Vietnam are summarized in various publications and videos below. With the help of government partners, the ForInfo project was able to:

  • establish best practices for generating information about forest resources;
  • test best practices in susutainable forestry managment, alternative community forestry modalities, appropriate harvesting technologies for teak and bamboo and fuelwood supply and demand analysis at pilot sites;
  • develop mechanisms to share information and data throughout the region through learning group workshops;
  • assess the role of information management in local people's access to benefits; and
  • share field-tested methodologies throughout the Mekong region and beyond.

ForInfo has also trained local people to generate quality information about their forest resources, allowing them to better access markets for their products and services. This process has given them ownership over the information and allows them to play a more active role in improving the benefits they receive, improving their ability to generate and use information about forest resources that can contribute to poverty reduction, the sustainability of forests, global efforts to mitigate climate change, and better abilities of communities to adapt to climate change.

The following resource materials are as follows:

  • Extension materials (Lao)

    This is a set of materials developed for farmers, financial... This is a set of materials developed for farmers, financial institutions and government agencies on the simplified procedures of managing teak plantations and securing teak plantation management certificates.
  • Newsletters

    This is a collection of news and updates during Forinfo's... This is a collection of news and updates during Forinfo's implementation period from 2010-2015.
  • Project briefs

    Briefs presenting Forinfo project components and strategies to... Briefs presenting Forinfo project components and strategies to achieve the project's specific objectives.
  • Reports and working papers

    A series of new reports and briefs shed light on improving local... A series of new reports and briefs shed light on improving local people's livelihoods through better access to markets.
  • Training manuals and guides

    This guidebook and series of factsheets present appropriate... This guidebook and series of factsheets present appropriate harvesting and transport technologies available to local communities that can help them realize their greater share in the primary stages of timber and bamboo-based value chains.
  • Videos

    Teak and bamboo harvesting videos demonstrating different... Teak and bamboo harvesting videos demonstrating different technologies that can be used by local communities to improve their income.