

In the ongoing third phase, the project aims to achieving all following key activities responding to outcomes and outputs determined.


A set of Training Package Development

  • REDD+ Capacity Building Needs Assessments conducted in Myanmar and updated in other four countries
  • Training manuals on climate change and REDD+ associated social safeguards are revised in all five project countries.
  • Training materials and capacity development products on REDD+  social safeguards are published in English and project country languages


Training of Trainers (ToT) programs

  • At least one Training of Trainers  (ToT) programs on basic concept on climate change and REDD+ completed in Myanmar
  • At least one refresher training programs at national level and sub-national level on REDD+ social safeguards completed in all five countries
  • At least one regional training program on FPIC in REDD+ organized for country coordinators and partner organizations
  • At least one training program for local journalist completed in four countries, except Nepal


Grassroots training and awareness raising programs

  • At least 50 grassroots training/awareness raising events on climate change and REDD+  social safeguards are organized at grassroots level in total in all five countries
  • At least  5 – 10 training events of those 50 events provided for women participants on climate change, REDD+ and gender mainstreaming, in total in all five countries
  • At least 1000-1500 participants, reached through awareness raising programs and other similar events in all five project countries, disaggregated by gender


Documentation of grassroots aspirations and concerns

  • At least 5-8 multi-stakeholder consultations in total in all five countries organized to identify country specific aspirations and concerns of grassroots stakeholders
  • At least one policy roundtable or sharing workshop organized at local and national level in each project country to communicate grassroots stakeholders’ concern on REDD+  to the policy makers and other key stakeholders
  • At least 2-3 cases of key commons concerns and aspirations of grassroots stakeholders on REDD+ from project countries documented and published


Project Dissemination and Networking

  • At least one annual refresher and reflection workshops organized at regional and national levels to share latest updates on climate change and REDD+, and project’s experiences and lessons learned
  • Project web-pages and e-newsletter regularly updated and published
  • Project’s outreach is monitored through mid-term and final reviews and annual regional reflection workshops
  • Synthesis of project findings, lessons learned, grassroots level aspirations and concerns, and training materials in English and national languages are disseminated within and beyond project countries
  • At least 1-2 stories of change are recorded from each project country, reflecting behavioral change among the training participants and making use of improved knowledge for promoting and practicing sustainable forest management