
Strengthening the ability of smallholders in the Mekong region’s forest sector to operate legally and sustainably


03 May 2022


12:30pm - 2:00pm


Conference Room 327A
Woman smiles

The European Forest Institute (EFI), the Royal Forest Department of Thailand and RECOFTC are co-hosting a side event at the World Forestry Congress to share lessons learned from tackling challenges that smallholders face to operate legally and sustainably in the forest sector.

The event will discuss how to strengthen the technical and operational skills of smallholders and create an enabling environment for smallholders to contribute to forest governance, rural livelihoods and gender equality. Discussions will focus on experiences supporting micro-, small- and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and tree growers and timber processors in Southeast Asia.

The side event will bring together experts from governments, international organisations, industry associations and CSOs to discuss key concerns for smallholders such as compliance with laws and regulations, representation in policy processes, resilience to crises, access to legal raw materials, markets, finance and technical support. Particular attention will be paid to the issue of scale and costs of compliance, gender equality, decent work and inclusive economic development in the forest sector.


  • Alexander Hinrichs, Head of Asia Regional Office at the European Forest Institute (EFI)


  • Thomas Colonna, Forest Governance and Private Sector Expert at the European Forest Institute (EFI)
  • Nathalie Faure, Senior Program Officer on Governance, Institutions and Conflict Transformation at RECOFTC
  • Boonsuthee Jeravongpanish, Technical Forestry Officer at the Forest Certification Office at the Royal Forest Department of Thailand
  • Vu Thi Bich Hop, Chair and Executive Director of the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development