International Training on Gender Equality in Forestry–Climate Change Nexus

Call for applications
Weaving Leadership for Gender Equality (WAVES)
International Training on Gender Equality in Forestry–Climate Change Nexus
RECOFTC is an international nonprofit organization working towards a future where resilient communities with respected rights thrive in forest landscapes that they manage sustainably and equitably. We take a long-term, landscape-based, and inclusive approach in supporting local communities to secure their land and resource rights, stop deforestation, find alternative livelihoods and foster gender equality. Our entry point to the sustainable development and climate change solution is community forestry. We work throughout the Asia Pacific region with a main office in Bangkok and country program offices in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand and Viet Nam.
We have 37 years of experience working with people and forests and have built trusting relationships with partners at all levels. As a trusted, honest broker, we occupy a distinct position as an international organization that supports, informs and brings together governments, communities, businesses, academia and civil society organizations. Our innovations, knowledge and initiatives enable countries to foster good forest governance, mitigate and adapt to climate change and achieve the UN Global Goals.
- Weaving Leadership for Gender Equality (WAVES) is a regional initiative developed and implemented by RECOFTC with support from the Government of Sweden. The WAVES program works to amplify the leadership of young gender leaders from Asia and the Pacific to tackle systemic inequities and marginalization prevalent in the natural resource management landscapes. The program seeks to engage young women and men in addressing gendered inequalities in the forestry landscape as we face and adapt to the climate crisis. We are inviting applications from young women and men as gender equality is not only a women’s issue. We need to leverage collaboration between women and men to help change social norms.
- The first WAVES (2019–2022) built a network of 36 gender leaders, supporting them as they advocated for equality and led gender-mainstreaming programs in their communities and institutions, influencing policies and bridging policy–practice gaps. The second WAVES build on this success and will train 40 participants from Asia and the Pacific to garner cross learning opportunities in community forestry from the region and beyond.
- This call for applications is for the first batch of the second WAVES, where 21 individuals will be selected to participate in the training program.
- WAVES will introduce participants to the interconnected topics of climate change and gender and social inclusion to advocate for climate and environmental justice. As we all face and adapt to the climate crisis, the program aims to cultivate early career professional leadership and advocacy for gender equality, helping them establish a voice and influence in the sector.
Our objectives
- Increase understanding of key gendered differences and challenges in the nexus between climate change and natural resource management.
- Identify potential policy implications for early career professionals on climate change, gender equality and social inclusion in the natural resource management sector and mainstream them into policies and practices.
- Provide avenues for young leaders to advance their leadership through exchange of knowledge, skills, opinions and good practices, ensuring mutual learning and drive collective action.
Eligibility criteria
We are inviting early career young professionals from:
- Government functionaries, civil society organizations, private sector, advocating agencies, and academia interested in achieving gender equality in the climate crisis.
- Applicants must submit their employer (mentor)'s approval. The participants need to spend approximately 10% of their paid time for completing the program and integrate a transformative change project at the institutional interventions.
- Applicants are not more than 35 years at the time of application.
- Proficiency in English language is preferred to permit full participation in the program.
- Individuals willing to travel for in-person training.
- Has demonstrated experience of taking initiatives on gender and social inclusion work in forestry, climate change and natural resource management.
- Ready to commit time to engage in the training program for 15 months.
WAVES is accepting applications from the Asia Pacific region. Applicants from RECOFTC focal countries, ASEAN member states and LDCs are encouraged to apply.
While we are on a limited budget, we are committed to offering opportunities for wider learning and encourage participants who can arrange co-financed travel to apply.
WAVES format
The leadership program is spread over a fifteen-month period and encompasses a blend of virtual and in-person events to ensure widespread participation and impact.
- Project launch and start-up workshop (virtual).
- Six online modules (through guided presentation) will be made available through RECOFTC’s learning portal.
- Designing, planning and implementing the transformative innovations project (one month for design and planning and six months for implementation) for gender equality. RECOFTC will provide mentorship to the projects.
- Capstone Workshop in Bangkok. RECOFTC will provide a certificate upon successful completion of the leadership program.
How to apply
Interested candidates are requested to fill out the application form and email it to and by 15 May 2024.
Only selected candidates will be notified.
To learn more about RECOFTC, please visit our website at
To learn more about WAVES, please visit our website at
RECOFTC’s work is made possible with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Government of Sweden.