
Project Inception for EnLiFT

Enhancing Livelihood from Improved Forest Management in Nepal (EnLiFT) was launched on 3 December 2018

In continuation with the Australian Government's support in forestry sector in Nepal, EnLiFT project has successfully entered phase II of its implementation.

The launch inception workshop was hosted on 3rd December 2018 at Yalamay Kendra, Patan in Nepal in the Honorary Presence of His Excellency Mr. Peter Budd, the Australian Ambassador to Nepal. Also in attendance was Secretary for Forest Ministry Dr. Bishwanath Oli and Forest Program Manager for the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Dr. Norra Devoe.

During EnLiFT phase II project implementation period, The Center for people and Forest - RECOFTC will be among partners to implement the project for next five years.

Project Details

Project Duration: 2018 – 2023
Project Landscape: Sindupalchowk and Kavrepalanchowk (SHL)

Major Focus of the Project

  1. Active and inclusive forest management
  2. Governance and local level NRM planning
  3. Forest based enterprise development

Project Partners

  • Government of Nepal -Ministry of Forest and Environment (MoFE)
  • University of Adelaide (UA)
  • University of New South Wales (UNSW)
  • ForestAction Nepal (FAN)
  • Nepal Agro-forestry Foundation (NAF)
  • The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC)