
Daily News Digest - 18 December 2009

18 December 2009
Stories of Change

With the arrival of heads of state in Copenhagen, many of the final discussions are happening behind closed doors and the news wires are falling silent. The Guardian’s Copenhagen Sketch captures the mood at the talks, from rumors and in-party arguments to the roller coaster of optimism and pessimism pervading the atmosphere. Other recent developments are captured in the listed articles below.

New York Times – U.S. offer of aid pushes climate talks further
Heeding the call of developing countries for monetary aid for adaptation needs, the U.S. backed a proposal to create an international fund worth $100 billion a year.
Full article in the New York Times

Al Jazeera – Clock ticking on climate deal
An internal UN document finds that the emissions cuts offered so far at the summit will lead to a 3C degree rise in global temperatures. Full article in Al Jazeera.

Times of India – G-77 forces West to put Kyoto on top
Developing countries took a unified stand against a move to further marginalize the Kyoto Protocol, and put it back into discussions. Full article in India Times.

Jakarta Post – Indonesian President busy lobbying counterparts in climate talks
BBC News – Climate deal cannot ignore rainforests
Mongabay – Half world’s science academies support call to save rainforests