Strengthening biodiversity management in Thailand’s community forests
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Community forests in Thailand are teeming with flora and fauna vital to community livelihoods and healthy ecosystems. As buffer zones of protected areas, these forests are crucial to biodiversity conservation. However, the community potential in biodiversity management and conservation has not been adequately explored and there is a lack of biodiversity data in community forests.
RECOFTC and the Zoological Society of London in Thailand are working to address this through our Citizens’ Forest Master (CF Master) programme, which is part of RECOFTC’s Citizens’ Forest Network (CF-NET) initiative. This video captures our collaborative efforts in developing the capacities of community forest representatives to engage in sustainable biodiversity management in Thailand, providing the support needed for them to become Citizens’ Forest Masters (CF Masters). Empowered as change agents, CF Masters are now leading their communities in biodiversity data collection and biodiversity-integrated community forest management plan development.
This video was produced through the project “Strengthening capacities for biodiversity management in Thailand’s community forests” and the Citizens’ Forest Network initiative.
The project “Strengthening capacities for biodiversity management” is funded by the UK Government through the Darwin Initiative.
The Citizens’ Forest Network initiative receives financial support from Thai CG Fund by HAND Social Enterprise.
For more information, please visit Strengthening capacities for biodiversity management in Thailand’s community forests project page and explore the Thai Citizen's Forest Network. (links in Thai)