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Land and forest-based investments in Lao PDR: Practices and perspectives

24 Jun 2024
Serial No.
Land and forest-based investments in Lao PDR: Practices and perspectives

This report presents the findings of a survey undertaken to help focus the Transformative Land Investment Project’s services on pressing issues and opportunities. The survey assessed a large cross-section of land- and forest-based investments in Lao PDR. The aim was to ascertain how and why investors are improving—or would like to improve—their Introduction 2 Land- and forest-based investments in Lao PDR: Practices and perspectives investments, what challenges they encounter and what support and incentives they would need to promote more socially inclusive, environment-friendly and economically profitable practices, in alignment with the ASEAN Guidelines on Responsible Investments in Food, Agriculture and Forestry. The survey’s findings will serve as a baseline for assessing changes in investment models and practices and will be used to develop actionable recommendations for promoting more socially, environmentally and economically sustainable land- and forest-based investments in Lao PDR.