Training of trainers: Community-based fire management in Asia

Recognizing the urgent need to strengthen fire management at the community level, the Community-based Fire Management (CBFiM) in Asia project is hosting a regional training of trainers (ToT) event in collaboration with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service.
The training hopes to directly address the capacity gaps identified in the Capacity Development Needs Assessment (CDNA) conducted in 2023–2024 across Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam.
The primary objective is to build the capacity of participants so that they can train others or take on leadership roles in fire management within their respective communities and organizations.
By equipping them with the technical skills and practical tools, the workshop seeks to create a lasting impact by enabling participants to disseminate knowledge and spearhead initiatives that strengthen fire management practices at multiple levels.
Participants will develop the skills needed to build long-term resilience to wildfire risks and disasters in a changing climate.
The training will feature three major components:
- Technical training from the USDA Forest Service
In-depth technical training from fire experts focusing on wildland fire, fire prevention and the incident command system
- Trainer toolkit development
Introduction to modules on gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) mainstreaming, technology development and CBFiM principles to equip attendees with tools to address fire management gaps
- Practicum fieldwork
Fieldwork to ensure participants gain experience in risk reduction, readiness and response under the incident command system framework
Expected outcomes
By the end of the event, participants will be able to:
- describe and communicate key fundamentals of forest fire behaviour, tactics and wildland fire management through a standardized method
- describe key features of tools and technologies of CBFiM and forest monitoring tools
- apply adult learning principles in the design and implementation of national training programmes for their own contexts
- explain measures and approaches to mainstream GESI in workshops and training programmes
Following the workshop, organizers will integrate feedback from participants to:
- develop a regional training of trainers' toolkit and/or set of guidelines on CBFiM
Expected participants
The workshop will bring together 40 practitioners and leaders who work on CBFiM or related fire-prone landscape across the Mekong region and greater Asia.
The target audience includes primarily RECOFTC team members and relevant implementing partners.
Tentative agenda
Day 0: Monday, 13 January 2025
- Arrival of all participants
Day 1: Tuesday, 14 January 2024
- Opening session
- Session 1: Setting the scene
- Session 2: Review
- Session 3: Risk reduction
Day 2: Wednesday, 15 January 2025
- Session 4: Readiness
- Session 5: Enhancing wildfire resilience: Addressing the disproportionate impacts on vulnerable groups through GESI integration
- Session 6: Preparation for field trip
Day 3: Thursday, 16 January 2025
- Session 7: Practicum in the field
Day 4: Friday, 17 January 2025
- Session 8: After action review
- Session 9: Bridging gaps: Innovative approaches to community needs in technology, communication and GESI integration
Day 5: Saturday, 18 January 2025
- Session 10: How to incorporate GESI into CBFiM
- Session 11: How adult learning principles fit perfectly for transferring knowledge for CBFiM
- Session 12: Training of trainer’s guidelines development
- Closing remarks
- Departure
This event is organized through the Community-based Fire Management (CBFiM) in Asia project, made possible through a five-year cooperative agreement between the USDA Forest Service International Programs and RECOFTC. The project receives financial support from the United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) of the Department of Defense, along with funding from USAID and the USDA Forest Service International Programs.
For more information, please visit
RECOFTC’s work is made possible with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Government of Sweden.