RECOFTC Cambodia


Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

SDC has been a key supporter of RECOFTC since its establishment in 1987 and remained a core donor till 2008. SDC continued to support various capacity building projects thereafter including for REDD+ and the institutional development of the ASEAN Social Forestry network (ASFN). They currently support the ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC) where RECOFTC is a key implementing partner.  As of July 2012, SDC has renewed its commitment as core donor, with an emphasis on supporting the Asia-Pacific region through the promotion of community forestry in tackling challenges from climate change and water scarcity.

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

Jointly responsible for sowing the seeds for RECOFTC's establishment, Sida has actively supported RECOFTC since 1997 through project funding. In 2004, Sida became a core fund donor and has continued to support community forestry as a means of poverty reduction, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and enhancing rights and livelihoods. The most recent core funding agreement covered the period October 2010 to September 2015, and RECOFTC signed a new agreement for a new phase of core funding covering the period October 2016 to September 2021.

Royal Thai Government

The Royal Thai Government is  one of the founding members of RECOFTC and a signatory in the Charter of RECOFTC. RECOFTC collaborates closely with the Royal Forest Department, the Department of National Parks and the Department of Marine and Coastal Resource in strengthening the National Community Forestry Network and numerous community-based natural resource management capacity building activities throughout the country. In the last 25 years, the collaboration has helped build the capacity of national and local government leaders, community forest managers and practitioners in sustainable forest management and increasingly, in responding to climate change. The Royal Thai Government also contributes an annual budget to RECOFTC’s Thailand Country Program to support community forestry initiatives in Thailand through the Office of Higher Education Commission of the Ministry of Education and Kasetsart University.

Country Partners


Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fishery (MAFF): RECOFTC formally corporation with Forestry Administration, Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fishery since 2006. RECOFTC plays an important role in the improvement and development of community forestry in Cambodia as a member of technical working group on forest revision, National Community Forestry Coordination Committee, National Forest Programme working group and National REDD+ working group. 

Ministry of Environment (MoE): RECOFTC and MoE have signed on Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) since 2006 to collaborate on research, policy development, project and programme to manage the community protected area in Cambodia. The MoE is a government institution that manage the Protected Area (PA) and the MoU also focus on strengthening existing CPA management practice, while continue to develop new initiative and approach.  

Non Government Organization

For project implementation, RECOFTC-Cambodia has collaborated with both international and national NGOs within the country including: World Wild Fund (WWF), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Non Government Organization Forum (NGO-Forum), Culture and Environment Preservation Association (CEPA), Mlup Baitong (MB), Community Based Natural Resources Management Learning Institute (CBNRM-LI)