Press Releases

RECOFTC and Partners Celebrate 30 Years of Achievements for People and Forests in Asia

Chiang Mai, Thailand - More than 80 RECOFTC partners from civil society, governments, UN and donor agencies gathered in Chiang Mai, Thailand to celebrate RECOFTC's 30th anniversary.

Over the past three decades, RECOFTC and partners have worked together to secure community forestry in Asia, resulting in more community forests, effective people-centered land policies, poverty reduction, and healthier forests. 

“RECOFTC is the primary community forestry organization in the region, and Switzerland is proud to be one of the founding partners. We are looking forward to our continued partnership and support in the future,” said Ambassador Ivo Sieber, Embassy of Switzerland in Thailand, who opened the event.

Anne-Charlotte Malm, Embassy of Sweden in Thailand, stated that “Empowerment of women and marginalized people is key, we must always strive for inclusiveness in all development work. We strongly support RECOFTC as SIDA has an integrated approach to environment and human rights.”

“RECOFTC’s origins are rooted in FAO, and RECOFTC has remained a natural partner of FAO ever since. RECOFTC can take a lot pride in its impacts in promoting people-centered policies, advocacy, awareness-raising and capacity development,” said Patrick Durst, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

Sapol Boonsermsuk, Royal Forest Department of Thailand, noted that “There are a number of forest officials who have been trained by RECOFTC, and lessons learned have been incorporated into RFD’s work to ensure dialogue between government and civil society. I too am a product of RECOFTC. “

“RECOFTC is the go-to place for forestry governance reform, and the inclusion of women and vulnerable populations. RECOFTC has been testing these concepts in forestry but its relevance goes well beyond the forestry sector. People-centered forestry is the key to whether our climate adaptation approaches will work,” said Doris Capistrano, Board Chairperson,


David Ganz, Executive Director, RECOFTC expressed heartfelt thanks to all of RECOFTC’s long-term supporters, former and current staff and training alumni, “As a result of our achievements, community forestry support continues to grow in the region. We have much to celebrate and much to look forward to, including ensuring that continued successful community forests contributes toward achieving multiple sustainable development goals. We look forward to the next 30 years of empowering local people and building a fairer future for all.”