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RECOFTC Annual Report 2007-2008

01 Nov 2008
Serial No.
RECOFTC Annual Report 2007-2008

The year 2007–2008 was the final year of the RECOFTC Program Phase 2004–2008. We are pleased to report that the four-year Program Plan was successfully implemented on time, and we fulfilled all the major remaining commitments, even exceeding targets in some areas. This is largely thanks to the generous financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Much of the 2007-2008 was focused on developing a new Strategic Plan, “People and Forests in a Time of Rapid Change: Strengthening Capacities for Community Forestry to Respond,” which covered 2008–2013 with a new Program Plan for the same period.