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RECOFTC Country Engagement Strategy - Cambodia

01 Mar 2015
Serial No.
RECOFTC Country Engagement Strategy - Cambodia

Of Cambodia's total area of 18 million ha, about 57 percent (10 million ha) was covered by forest in 2009. Most of the population is concentrated in the plains, with an estimated 4 million villages living in or near forest areas, using forest resources to sustain their livelihoods. Under the National Forest Program (2010-2029), where community forestry is a major component, the Cambodian government targets to bring 2 million ha of forest under community management.  

One in a series of RECOFTC's country engagement strategies, this publication analyses the community forestry (CF) situation and challenges in Cambodia, and recommends priorities for the country’s CF development. Adhering to RECOFTC's vision and mission, the reports presents the organization’s strategic programme framework and how RECOFTC in Cambodia can effectively contribute to the advancement of CF.