APA 6th ed. Current Status of Social Forestry in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the ASEAN region. (2014, May 1). Retrieved from https://www.recoftc.org/publications/0000190
MLA 8th ed. Current Status of Social Forestry in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the ASEAN region. RECOFTC, 1 May 2014, https://www.recoftc.org/publications/0000190.
Chicago 17th ed. RECOFTC. 2014. "Current Status of Social Forestry in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the ASEAN region." Published May 1, 2014. https://www.recoftc.org/publications/0000190.
Current Status of Social Forestry in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the ASEAN region

This report covers eight ASEAN countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia (particularly the state of Sabah), Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam). The report examines the current status of social forestry in climate mitigation and adaptation in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and aims to update the Initial Baseline Assessment on Social Forestry and Climate Change published in 2010. Additionally, the paper seeks to facilitate information sharing within the region, and the continued development of policies and programmes through providing up-to-date information to all stakeholders. Covering eight countries in the ASEAN region, the research for the report was collected through desk-based research, reviews of national laws and policies, and technical reports.