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RECOFTC Country Engagement Strategy - Myanmar

01 Sep 2015
Serial No.
RECOFTC Country Engagement Strategy - Myanmar

About 32 million ha, half of Myanmar’s land area, is classified as forest area. Most of the 20 million ha of other wooded land is fallow land used by villagers for shifting cultivation. About 20 to 25 million people out of a total population of 60 million are estimated to use forests as one of their sources of livelihoods. The political and economic reforms initiated in 2011 are expected to contribute to more conducive policy and regulatory frameworks for expanding and strengthening CF development, building on the capacity acquired by the Forest Department (FD) and non-government organizations (NGOs) in the initial CF activities.

One in a series of RECOFTC country engagement strategies, this publication analyses the community forestry (CF) situation and challenges in Myanmar, and recommends priorities for the country’s CF development. Adhering to RECOFTC's vision and mission, the report presents the organization’s strategic programme framework and how RECOFTC in Myanmar can effectively contribute to the advancement of CF in the country.