APA 6th ed. Posters for grassroots communities in Lao PDR on gender and climate change. (2015, October 1). Retrieved from https://www.recoftc.org/publications/0000290
MLA 8th ed. Posters for grassroots communities in Lao PDR on gender and climate change. RECOFTC, 1 October 2015, https://www.recoftc.org/publications/0000290.
Chicago 17th ed. RECOFTC. 2015. "Posters for grassroots communities in Lao PDR on gender and climate change." Published October 1, 2015. https://www.recoftc.org/publications/0000290.
Posters for grassroots communities in Lao PDR on gender and climate change

RECOFTC’s Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+ project in Lao PDR is launching five new posters on gender mainstreaming in climate change (CC) and sustainable forest management (SFM). The posters are produced in Lao language and serve as a tool for local facilitators in their activities to raise awareness and generate discussions among local communities on these issues.
The posters highlight five key themes: i) differences in gender-influenced forest resource use; (ii) different gender roles in forest management; (iii) what is gender and its role in SFM; (iv) forests and climate change from gender perspectives; and (v) how gender mainstreaming in SFM can help address climate change impacts.
One of the priorities of RECOFTC’s Grassroots project in Lao PDR is to enhance capacities of key grassroots stakeholders in mainstreaming gender into CC and SFM activities. With these posters as awareness-raising tools, the project aims to contribute to improved understanding on the issues and encourage more equitable practices of forest management. For more information about the Grassroots project, see www.recoftc.org/project/grassroots-capacity-building-redd