APA 6th ed. Forest monitoring and evaluation system manual to improve landscape governance in Viet Nam. (2021, July 28). Retrieved from https://www.recoftc.org/publications/0000393
MLA 8th ed. Forest monitoring and evaluation system manual to improve landscape governance in Viet Nam. RECOFTC, 28 July 2021, https://www.recoftc.org/publications/0000393.
Chicago 17th ed. RECOFTC. 2021. "Forest monitoring and evaluation system manual to improve landscape governance in Viet Nam." Published July 28, 2021. https://www.recoftc.org/publications/0000393.
Forest monitoring and evaluation system manual to improve landscape governance in Viet Nam

WWF-Viet Nam, RECOFTC, and People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature) have developed a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system and its mobile application to support the monitoring and evaluation of forest governance in Viet Nam.
The application is a tool that is part of the forest governance monitoring system, designed to enhance accountability, performance, and participation in policy-making, planning, and law enforcement. The use of the system and the application is part of implementing the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) between the European Union and Viet Nam, which came into force in 2019.
“We developed the application to collect data that would monitor forest governance policy and its implementation in practice,” said Nguyen Hai Van, Deputy Director of PanNature. “We took strong forest governance principle-oriented design and a ground-based approach to developing detailed criteria and indicators to inform the monitoring system. This approach ensures flexibility in the system when it is applied to the local setting.”
In early 2021, WWF, RECOFTC, and PanNature tested the monitoring and evaluation application in Quang Nam Province. By the end of 2021, the application will be available for external stakeholders, such as non-state actors, to use. This manual in Vietnamese is available to guide people to use the application.
The application and manual were developed under the Voices for Mekong Forests (V4MF) project, funded by the European Union.