
Browse Publications

Showing publications 6 to 10 out of 25 found.

6: Defining and assessing the effectiveness of civil society networks working on forest governance issues in Africa and Asia

Publication date01 Dec 2021
Author(s)Zora Touko Batupe, Robin aus der Beek, Nathalie Faure, Aurelian Mbzibain, Habiba Mohamed, Horline Njike

8: Transforming forest landscape conflicts: the promises and perils of global forest management initiatives such as REDD+

Publication date01 Apr 2018
Author(s)Seth Kane, Ahmad Dhiaulhaq, Lok Mani Sapkota, David Gritten
PublisherForest and Society

9: Governing Tenure Rights to Commons

Publication date01 Feb 2017

10: Forests under Pressure: Local Responses to Global Issues

Publication date01 Oct 2014
Editors(s)Pia Katila; Glenn Galloway; Wil de Jong; Pablo Pacheco; Gerardo Mery
PublisherInternational Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)