
Browse Publications

Showing publications 41 to 45 out of 56 found.

41: The struggle over Asia’s forests: An overview of forest conflict and potential implications for REDD+

Publication date01 Mar 2012
Author(s)Yasmi, Y.; Kelley, L.; Murdiyarso, D.; Patel, T
PublisherCommonwealth Forestry Association

42: Forest Conflict in Asia and the Role of Collective Action in its Management

Publication date01 Dec 2011
Author(s)Yurdi Yasmi; Lisa Kelley; Thomas Enters
PublisherInternational Food Policy Research Institute

43: Two Decades of Community Forestry in Nepal: What Have We Learned?

Publication date01 Nov 2011
Editors(s)Jane Carter; Bharat Pokharel; Rudriksha Rai Parajuli
PublisherNepal Swiss Community Forestry Project

45: Breaking Walls, Building Bridges: Conflict Management in the Tropical Timber Industry

Publication date01 Aug 2011
Author(s)Celina Yong; Toon De Bruyn; Yurdi Yasmi; David Gritten