
Browse Publications

Showing publications 1 to 5 out of 5 found.

1: Forests under Pressure: Local Responses to Global Issues

Publication date01 Oct 2014
Editors(s)Pia Katila; Glenn Galloway; Wil de Jong; Pablo Pacheco; Gerardo Mery
PublisherInternational Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)

2: Free, Prior, and Informed Consent in REDD+: Q&A handbook

Publication date01 Jan 2014

3: Social Safeguards in REDD+: A Review of Existing Initiatives and Challenges

Publication date01 Jul 2013
Author(s)Chandra Shekhar Silori; Simone Frick; Harisharan Luintel; Bishnu Hari Poudyal
Editors(s)Naya Sharma Paudel
PublisherJournal of Forest and Livelihood

4: International Knowledge Sharing and Learning Workshop on Forest and Land Tenure

Publication date29 Aug 2012
PublisherRECOFTC; The National Assembly of Lao PDR; RRI

5: Forest Tenure and Policies in Lao PDR, National Workshop Proceedings

Publication date01 Nov 2011
Editors(s)RECOFTC; RRI; Ministry of Agriculture and Forest, Lao PDR