
Browse Publications

Showing publications 1 to 4 out of 4 found.

2: Effective Forest and Farm Producer Organizations

Publication date01 Sep 2015
Editors(s)Nick Pasiecznik; Herman Savenije
PublisherTropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands

3: Forests under Pressure: Local Responses to Global Issues

Publication date01 Oct 2014
Editors(s)Pia Katila; Glenn Galloway; Wil de Jong; Pablo Pacheco; Gerardo Mery
PublisherInternational Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)

4: Prioritising support for locally controlled forest enterprises

Publication date01 Jan 2014
Editors(s)D. Macqueen, E. Andaya, S. Begaa, M. Bringas, M. Greijmans, T. Hill, S. Humphries, B. Kabore, T. Ledecq, T. Lissendja, A. Maindo, A. Maling, D. McGrath, S. Milledge, F. Pinto, N. Quang Tan, E. Tangem, S. Schons, B. Subedi
PublisherInternational Institute for Environment and Development