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Showing publications 1 to 4 out of 4 found.

1: Forests under Pressure: Local Responses to Global Issues

Publication date01 Oct 2014
Editors(s)Pia Katila; Glenn Galloway; Wil de Jong; Pablo Pacheco; Gerardo Mery
PublisherInternational Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)

2: Mediating Forest Conflicts in Southeast Asia: Getting the Positives out of Conflicts over Forests and Land

Publication date01 Mar 2014
Author(s)Ahmad Dhiaulhaq; David Gritten; Toon De Bruyn

3: People and Forests for a Greener Future

Publication date01 Nov 2013

4: Forest Conflict in Asia and the Role of Collective Action in its Management

Publication date01 Dec 2011
Author(s)Yurdi Yasmi; Lisa Kelley; Thomas Enters
PublisherInternational Food Policy Research Institute