
Browse Publications

Showing publications 1 to 5 out of 5 found.

1: Transforming forest landscape conflicts: the promises and perils of global forest management initiatives such as REDD+

Publication date01 Apr 2018
Author(s)Seth Kane, Ahmad Dhiaulhaq, Lok Mani Sapkota, David Gritten
PublisherForest and Society

2: Transforming Forest Conflicts in Asia-Pacific: A Capacity Development Approach

Publication date01 Aug 2015
Author(s)Seth Kane; David Gritten; Lok Mani Sapkota; Linh, Thi Bui; Ahmad Dhiaulhaq

3: Forest Conflict in Asia and the Role of Collective Action in its Management

Publication date01 Dec 2011
Author(s)Yurdi Yasmi; Lisa Kelley; Thomas Enters
PublisherInternational Food Policy Research Institute

5: Positive and Negative Aspects of Forestry Conflict: Lessons From Decentralized Forest Management in Indonesia

Publication date01 Mar 2009
Author(s)Y. Yasmi; J. Guernier; C.J.P. Colfer
Editors(s)Alan Pottinger
PublisherCommonwealth Forestry Association