
Browse Publications

Showing publications 1 to 4 out of 4 found.

1: Transforming forest landscape conflicts: the promises and perils of global forest management initiatives such as REDD+

Publication date01 Apr 2018
Author(s)Seth Kane, Ahmad Dhiaulhaq, Lok Mani Sapkota, David Gritten
PublisherForest and Society

2: Respecting Community Farming Traditions in Handling Land Conflict

Publication date01 Dec 2016
Author(s)Tran Viet Dong; Nguyen Quang Tan

4: The struggle over Asia’s forests: An overview of forest conflict and potential implications for REDD+

Publication date01 Mar 2012
Author(s)Yasmi, Y.; Kelley, L.; Murdiyarso, D.; Patel, T
PublisherCommonwealth Forestry Association