
Showing results 61 to 70 out of 95 found.

61: Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+ in Asia Project...

Publication date:
Editors(s): RECOFTC
Publisher: RECOFTC

This is the final report of the “Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+” project in the Asia-Pacific region. The report highlights key...

62: Community Forestry Enterprise development in Myanmar...

Publication date:
Author(s): Martin Greijmans, David Gritten, Aung Kyaw Naing, Khin Thiri Htun, Julian Atkinson
Publisher: RECOFTC, The Rights and Resources Group (RRG)

This policy brief was developed based on findings from a series of sub-national and national multi-stakeholder workshops organized between...

63: RECOFTC Annual Report 2009-2010

Publication date:
Editors(s): RECOFTC
Publisher: RECOFTC

RECOFTC has made significant institutional progress during 2009–2010, building upon the solid foundation set during the first year of the...

64: RECOFTC Annual Report 2011-2012

Publication date:
Editors(s): RECOFTC
Publisher: RECOFTC

This annual report highlights RECOFTC's key achievements for the 2011 and 2012 year.

65: RECOFTC Annual Report 2010-2011

Publication date:
Editors(s): RECOFTC
Publisher: RECOFTC

This annual report looks at the progress the organization made during the 2010-2011 fiscal year. Activities have been expanded in our six...

66: Mainstreaming Gender into Forestry Interventions in Asia...

Publication date:
Publisher: RECOFTC; FAO

This training manual has thus been developed to enhance the knowledge and skills in gender mainstreaming, including gender analysis and the...

67: Thailand’s Community Forest Act: Analysis of the legal...

Publication date:
Publisher: RECOFTC

Thailand is undergoing an important development in its forestry laws. When the Community Forest Act B.E. 2562 was passed in 2019, Thailand...

68: Forest Tenure in Asia: Status and Trends

Publication date:
Author(s): Ganga Ram Dahal; Julian Atkinson; James Bampton
Publisher: EFI; RECOFTC

This assessment builds on existing data and analysis from two prior publications: From Exclusion to Ownership, which was published by the...

69: Forest Tenure in Asia: Status and Trends

Publication date:
Author(s): Ganga Ram Dahal, Julian Atkinson, James Bampton
Publisher: EU FLEGT Facility

This report is intended to provide an overview of forest tenure in Asia between 2002 and 2010, building on and updating previous regional...

70: Ensuring Women’s Participation in Forest Decision-Making:...

Publication date:
Publisher: RECOFTC

Community forestry – as promoted by RECOFTC – provides an effective and cross-cutting solution that is aligned with the SDGs. This includes...