
Showing results 81 to 90 out of 98 found.

81: Stories of Change 2008-2013 and Annual Report 2012-2013

Publication date:
Editors(s): RECOFTC
Publisher: RECOFTC

The stories in this report illustrate the invaluable contributions being made by community members, pioneering government personnel and...

82: Community Forestry in Asia and the Pacific: Pathway to...

Publication date:
Author(s): Thomas Sikor; David Gritten; Julian Atkinson; Bao Huy; Ganga Ram Dahal; Khwanchai Duangsathaporn; Francis Hurahura; Khamla Phanvilay; Ahmad Maryudi; Juan Pulhin; Mark Anthony Ramirez; Saw Win; Sumei Toh; Justine Vaz; Tol Sokchea; Srey Marona; Zhao Yaqiao
Publisher: RECOFTC

This report reflects analysis of the current situation of community forestry in the Asia–Pacific region. The study indicates that people...

83: Introduction to forest landscape restoration

Publication date:
Author(s): Lok Mani Sapkota, Trang Thu Hoang
Publisher: RECOFTC

This guide is for forestry practitioners from local communities, governments, the private sector, civil society and academia in Southeast...

84: RECOFTC Country Engagement Strategy - Viet Nam

Publication date:
Editors(s): RECOFTC
Publisher: RECOFTC

Two-thirds of Viet Nam's land area of 33 million ha is mountainous. Almost half of the land area is classified as forest, with...

85: Community Forestry in the Philippines

Publication date:
Author(s): Dr. Juan M. Pulhin
Publisher: RECOFTC

Dr. Juan Pulhin reports how the forest sector is addressing this challenge with some ambitious targets that include: uplands poverty halved...

86: Implications of COP26 for the land-use sector in the...

Publication date:
Publisher: RECOFTC

Implications of COP26 for the land-use sector in the Asia–Pacific region is based on the proceedings of a consultation negotiators and...

87: Equity in Forests and REDD+: An Analysis of Equity...

Publication date:
Editors(s): RECOFTC
Publisher: RECOFTC

Considerable debate has developed in recent years over the potential of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation...

88: Divers Paths to Justice: Legal pluralism and the rights of...

Publication date:
Author(s): Marcus Colchester; Ramy Bulan; Jennifer Corpuz; Amity Doolittle; Devasish Roy; Myrna Safitri; Gam Shimray; Prasert Trakansuphakon
Editors(s): Marcus Colchester; Sophie Chao
Publisher: Forest Peoples Programme; Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact

This publication reveals that the majority of Southeast Asian countries already have plural legal systems, and to some extent custom is...

89: Participatory Management of Forests and Protected Areas - A...

Publication date:
Author(s): Sejal Worah
Publisher: RECOFTC; MS-Training Centre for Development Cooperation

Opportunities for forest managers to gain knowledge and skills in participatory resource management processes are still limited. A recent...

90: Forest Tenure Reform in Viet Nam: Case Studies from the...

Publication date:
Author(s): Nguyen Quang Tan; Nguyen Ba Ngai; Tran Ngoc Thanh; William Sunderlin; Yurdi Yasmi
Publisher: RECOFTC; RRI

This study is part of a project implemented by the Regional Community Forestry Training Center for the Asia and Pacific (RECOFTC) in...