
Showing results 91 to 98 out of 98 found.

91: Community-based forestry assessment

Publication date:
Author(s): FAO, RECOFTC
Publisher: FAO

In 2019, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) published a framework to provide important insights into the...

92: Forestry Policies, Legislation, and Institutions in Asia...

Publication date:
Author(s): Yurdi Yasmi; Jeremy Broadhead; Thomas Enters; Cole Genge
Editors(s): FAO; TNC; RECOFTC
Publisher: FAO

Trends and Emerging Needs for 2020, Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study II Tremendous social and economic changes are taking place...

93: Democratising Forest Business: A Compendium of Successful...

Publication date:
Editors(s): Duncan Macqueen; Anna Bolin; Martin Greijmans
Publisher: IIED

Forests worldwide are home to approximately 1.3 billion people and must cater to the multiple needs of people - from providing local goods...

94: Oil Palm Expansion in South East Asia: Trends and...

Publication date:
Author(s): Marcus Colchester; Sophie Chao; Jonas Dallinger; H.E.P Sokhannaro; Vo Thai Dan; Jo Villanueva
Editors(s): Marcus Colchester; Sophie Chao
Publisher: RECOFTC; Forest Peoples Programme; Perkumpulan Sawit Watch; Samdhana Institute

This publication is focused on oil palm expansion and land tenure in several Southeast Asian palm oil producing countries (the Philippines,...

95: National Environmental Policy of Myanmar and Myanmar...

Publication date:
Publisher: The Republic of the Union of Myanmar

On the occasion of the World Environment Day 2019, the Government of Myanmar launched two new policies that will guide Myanmar’s...

96: Effective Forest and Farm Producer Organizations

Publication date:
Editors(s): Nick Pasiecznik; Herman Savenije
Publisher: Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands

There is a growing consensus that producer organizations are critically important for the sustainable use of natural resources....

97: Prioritising support for locally controlled forest...

Publication date:
Editors(s): D. Macqueen, E. Andaya, S. Begaa, M. Bringas, M. Greijmans, T. Hill, S. Humphries, B. Kabore, T. Ledecq, T. Lissendja, A. Maindo, A. Maling, D. McGrath, S. Milledge, F. Pinto, N. Quang Tan, E. Tangem, S. Schons, B. Subedi
Publisher: International Institute for Environment and Development

This book comprises detailed assessments of the likely impacts of small-enterprise support across different forest subsectors in eight...

98: Forests under Pressure: Local Responses to Global Issues

Publication date:
Editors(s): Pia Katila; Glenn Galloway; Wil de Jong; Pablo Pacheco; Gerardo Mery
Publisher: International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)

The new book Forests under Pressure: Local Responses to Global Issues is the third major publication produced by the Special Project World...