
Share your ideas on forest education now

First-ever global education forest survey will shape a new path forward for forest education around the world.

Care about forests, the biodiversity they hold, and their role in mitigating climate change and ensuring human health and security?

Yes! Then you must care about forest education because it is through forest education that we can make the most profound and lasting changes needed to save the Earth. 

Several international organizations are working together to conduct the first-ever global forest education survey. They want to know about forest education everywhere in the world from elementary school all the way to college and university. And, it’s not just about forests. It’s about wildlife biology, environmental science and natural resource management. 

“I care about the world’s forests so I took this survey. It’s our chance to influence the knowledge, ideas and values of future generations who will manage our forests.”  David Ganz, Executive Director, RECOFTC

The survey is available in 15 languages, including six official languages spoken in the Asia-Pacific: Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog, Thai and Vietnamese.

If you care about forests and life on Earth, this is your chance to improve forest education by influencing the knowledge, ideas and values of future generations who will manage our forests and other ecosystems. Your responses will not only help to chart a new path forward for forest education but help to shape a future initiative to get there.

The survey is to be completed by individuals. It takes 30 minutes. All responses are anonymous but you will have a chance to win a fully funded trip to Rome, Italy, to participate in the International Conference on Forest Education. 

“I care about the world’s forests so I took this survey,” says David Ganz, executive director of RECOFTC. “It’s our chance to influence the knowledge, ideas and values of future generations who will manage our forests. Please take the survey and share it with others who care.” 

The survey ends on 31 October 2020.

Click here to take survey

The survey is led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). It is funded by the Government of Germany. RECOFTC is the lead agency for the survey in the Asia-Pacific region. For more information, visit FAO


RECOFTC’s work is made possible with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).