APA 6th ed. Resilient Forest Landscapes: Empowered Communities, Strengthened Institutions and Shared Prosperity (Strategic Plan 2018 - 2023). (2018, August 22). Retrieved from https://www.recoftc.org/publications/0000238
MLA 8th ed. Resilient Forest Landscapes: Empowered Communities, Strengthened Institutions and Shared Prosperity (Strategic Plan 2018 - 2023). RECOFTC, 22 August 2018, https://www.recoftc.org/publications/0000238.
Chicago 17th ed. RECOFTC. 2018. "Resilient Forest Landscapes: Empowered Communities, Strengthened Institutions and Shared Prosperity (Strategic Plan 2018 - 2023)." Published August 22, 2018. https://www.recoftc.org/publications/0000238.
Resilient Forest Landscapes: Empowered Communities, Strengthened Institutions and Shared Prosperity (Strategic Plan 2018 - 2023)

RECOFTC's Strategic Plan 2018 to 2023
The Asia-Pacific region displays some of the world’s most diverse landscapes: majestic forests, rich wetlands, thriving riparian, coastal and marine ecosystems, and increasingly crowded urban and built environments. The challenges of balancing development and ensuring sustainability pose an urgent need for innovative solutions. To meet those needs and challenges RECOFTC developed a strategy to help local people find solutions together with government, the private sector, development partners, local institutes, academia, media and others.
RECOFTC is supporting people and forests by achieving four strategic goals in 2018–2023:
1. Landscape Collaboration in a Changing Climate: Rights of local people in forest landscapes are protected and exercised through collaborative management. Local people will manage forests integrated together with other sectors within their landscapes to meet climate change mitigation commitments and address adaptation challenges and opportunities as part of their livelihood strategies.
2. Governance, Institutions and Conflict Transformation: Governments, the private sector, communities and others in forest landscapes adhere to the principles of good governance, which include being accountable for their actions and transparent in their processes. The Center will strengthen relationships through mutually beneficial strategies, and developing appropriate skills and responsive services to prevent and transform forest-based conflicts through strong institutions, relationships, strategies and services.
3. Private Sector Engagement and Enterprising Communities: Economic value of forests and landscapes for communities is increased through sustainable investment, community-based enterprises, certification schemes and/or mutually beneficial partnerships between governments, the large scale private sector and community enterprises.
4. Social Inclusion, Gender Equity and Public Action: Rights, capacities and economic opportunities of women and other marginalized people are enhanced. Public awareness is raised, and norms and behaviours are changed to support people-centered forests and land policies