RECOFTC Indonesia
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RECOFTC and ICRAF Held A Regional Training on Agroforestry for Climate Change Resilient Landscapes

foto bersama peserta training agroforestri

RECOFTC in collaboration with ICRAF held a Regional Training on Agroforestry for Climate Change Resilient Landscapes in Nan Province, Thailand, on 16-23 July 2018. The training was attended by 23 participants representing government, academics , and NGOs from 8 countries in the Southeast Asia region (Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Timor Leste, Thailand and Vietnam). Of the 23 participants who attended, 5 participants came from Indonesia who were representatives of the Directorate of Social and Customary Forestry Business Development (Ministry of Environment and Forestry), GIZ, Hasanuddin University, and RECOFTC Indonesia Country Program.

Participants learned about how to analyze the relationship between agroforestry and landscape resilience, basic principles in agroforestry to determine appropriate interventions and how to identify criteria and indicators to measure the success. Participants also had the opportunity to visit the Ban Pan Yang Village to learn from the agroforestry model developed by local farmers. At the end of the training, each participant made an action plan for future follow-up.