RECOFTC Cambodia

Ten years of partnership for forestry and fisheries communities in Cambodia: experiences, lessons, and innovations

May 24
Phnom Penh Hotel
សហគមន៍ព្រៃឈើព្រៃក្បាលបី ខេត្តកំពង់ធំ

Partnership for Forestry and Fisheries Community in Cambodia (PaFF) is a three-phase (November 2014 to June 2023) implemented by a consortium of four local and international organizations: Regional Community Forestry Training Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC), Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme Asia (NTFP-EP), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Culture and Environment Preservation Association (CEPA).
PaFF is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) with cost contributions from program partners.
To support community forestry (CF), community protected area (CPA) and community fisheries (CFis), PaFF work in close collaboration with Forestry Administration (FA) and Fisheries Administration (FiA) of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), General Directorate of Local Community (GDLC) of the Ministry of Environment. At provincial level, the program team works directly with Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Department of Environment, Provincial Department of Tourism. In addition, PaFF engage closely with the commune, district, and provincial authorities in target provinces (Kampong Thom, Preah Vihear, Kratie and Stung Treng province).

With this, it is important for PaFF to share lessons generated through this implementation with stakeholders in forestry and fisheries sector in Cambodia around 120 participants who are representatives from Government Institutions at national and sub-national levels (Ministry of Agriculture forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Finance, Sub-national authorities, Development Partners, International and Local Non-Governmental Organization, Private Sector, Academia, Community Forestry, Community Fisheries, and Community Protected Area.

The primary objective of this workshop will be to share results that PaFF has over the last ten years of its implementation. It will also provide opportunity for the PaFF team to reflect on the experiences, challenges and innovations that PaFF has made. Eventually the event will stimulate learning from the partnership for forestry and fisheries communities in Cambodia – namely from CF, CFi, and CPA.

For further information, please go to the workshop concept note.