This guide reflects RECOFTC’s more than 30 years of experience in building capacity for community forestry in the Asia-Pacific region. The questions in the guide come from RECOFTC’s discussions with stakeholders in its FLOURISH project in Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam. FLOURISH is an innovative four-year forest landscape restoration (FLR) initiative that uses market forces combined with community forestry to combat climate change, restore degraded forests and improve the well-being of forest communities.
Lok Mani Sapkota and Trang Thu Hoang prepared this guide with the technical support of Gerald Kapp and Simon Benedikter, both at Technische Universität Dresden, and Ronnakorn Triraganon and Jenna Jadin at RECOFTC.
Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Energy (BMU), which funds FLOURISH through the International Climate Initiative (IKI), supported the production of this publication.
References and further reading
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