28 Jun 2024
A new initiative to empower local communities and promote sustainable land investments was launched through a memorandum of understanding signed on 6...
28 Jun 2024
1 June 2024 marked the 44th celebration of National Arbor Day in Lao PDR. In Bokeo Province, RECOFTC Lao PDR participated in national planting...
30 May 2024
Green spaces, including well-maintained trees and vegetation, are vital for creating beautiful, livable, and environmentally friendly cities. They...
21 Mar 2024
In January 2024, RECOFTC took on the role of Secretariat for the Regional Model Forest Network-Asia (RMFN–Asia). This initiative brings together a...
16 Feb 2024
RECOFTC Nepal and the Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Forest, and Environment (MOITFE), Gandaki Province have entered a 10-year Memorandum of...
19 Jan 2024
In December 2023, we unveiled our strategic plan for the years 2023-2028 in Indonesia, Lao PDR, and Thailand. This new strategy serves as a blueprint...
25 Dec 2023
In early December 2023, the team from the Explore Secretariat visited research groups and partners in Cambodia. This visit was to one of many Explore...
30 Nov 2023
Dr. Siti Kusujiarti, Chair of Sociology and Anthropology at Warren Wilson College, has been elected as the Chair for the Program Advisory Committee...
27 Sep 2023
In August 2023, the Explore Secretariat embarked on a mission to foster stronger partnerships, facilitate research and bolster collaboration on...