
Community-based fire management in Nan province: Empowering communities and fostering collaboration

24 December 2024
In Focus

In Nan province, Thailand, highland communities have long relied on fire for farming and foraging. However, uncontrolled fires can inadvertently lead to wildfires as well as smoke and haze, posing a serious threat to both people and the environment. Through our Community-based Fire Management project, we are working with local communities to create fire management plans that blend traditional practices with scientific knowledge. Our goal is to promote safer and more effective fire use through capacity development for communities while strengthening collaboration between communities and government agencies to reduce wildfire risks. 


This video was produced through the Community-based Fire Management (CBFiM) in Asia project. The project is made possible through a five-year cooperative agreement between the USDA Forest Service International Programs and RECOFTC. The project receives financial support from the United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) of the Department of Defense, along with funding from USAID and the USDA Forest Service International Programs. 

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