
Poll: The Perfect REDD+ Text

15 December 2009
Stories of Change
The Center for People and Forests

The recently released draft REDD+ text is full of holes where binding safeguards and targets for deforestation reductions used to be. Later today, high-level negotiations will resume and we are likely to see another new REDD+ text - but for better or worse? Time is running out to undo any more back-pedaling on key provisions, or to have our greated wishes granted.


What's on the general wish list? The Accra Caucus would like to see safeguards reinserted back into the main text. Accra Caucus Press Release

Forest carbon advisors in Indonesia would like to see safeguards for community rights. Jakarta Globe article

Now we're asking you. What would you like to see in the final REDD+ text?

Cast your vote in our interactive poll.