Stories of Change
Fifteen-year-old Sharada Rai wrung her hands as she approached the gates of the District Forest Offces in Makwanpur district, Nepal. Two men with...
Stories of Change
My grandparents used to have a stuffed alligator that stood on a teakwood stand beside the gas fire in their living room. As a child I never thought...
Stories of Change
Until quite recently, climate change observers were concerned with the potential tradeoffs between mitigation and adaptation. They were often wary...
Notes from the Field
At the People & Forests Fair on 31 January 2016 at the BACC in Bangkok, over 500 people came to shop, eat, learn and support communities in their...
Stories of Change
A transformation is quietly gaining ground in Laos, and behind it is a calm and unassuming young mother of a two-month old baby. Viengphet is only 29...
Stories of Change
Rita, a young mother, looks out over the fields of rice, paddy and maize that she tends to with her husband as the rain pelts from the sky. Not only...
Stories of Change
“The mangroves sustain us. We need to find ways to protect them so that they can protect us. Not only do we depend on them, but so will our children...
Talk of the Forest
This is a video introducing “Empowerment of Local Networks and Local Authorities (LAs) for Sustainable Ing Watershed Management (WSM) through...
In Focus
The video describes the teak value chain from timber growing, felling and forwarding to road, road transport to sawing and drying. The Forinfo...