Stories of Change
I had a great belly laugh last week while I was reading through case studies of Nepali rural women and their roles in natural resource management for...
Stories of Change
At Durban’s Forest Day 5, the resounding message was that REDD+ will not work if people are hungry. How can we expect the poor to conserve forest...
Stories of Change
How can governments and international organizations work together to reduce poverty and combat deforestation? Collaborative efforts based on mutually...
Stories of Change
Haven’t we been talking about gender and the need to mainstream it for decades? Why then does it seem to re-emerge every time a new ‘development’ or...
Stories of Change
The United Nations International Year of Forests, with the theme ‘Celebrating Forests for People,’ just drew to a close. Many applauded the UN for...
Stories of Change
Sam Phak Nam, Thailand, June, 2011: “We want to foster a harmonious relationship between forest, temple, and community,” says the head priest of Sam...
Stories of Change
November, Bokeo, Laos: Last month, members of RECOFTC’s team and representatives from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland traveled to Bokeo,...
Stories of Change
One can easily get the impression that forest policy is predominantly made at global summits and in transnational initiatives these days. Consider,...
Stories of Change
The RMFN-Asia is part of the International Model Forests Network (IMFN), established by the government of Canada in the 1990s after a spate of...