Stories of Change
The United Nations has been in existence for 65 years, but based on the results so far at COP16, we are no further ahead in the art of diplomacy. A...
Stories of Change
Canadians (and others) have long backpacked around the world adorning their luggage with Canadian flags. It has been seen as the ticket to generous...
Stories of Change
I wish I could bring some more encouraging news on the REDD+ Partnership, but it's looking unlikely at this rate. More shady dealings, it seems....
Stories of Change
Last night the Climate and Land Use Alliance (CLUA) hosted a reception attended by about 200 forestry professionals with an interest in financing...
Stories of Change
There is increasingly vocal resistance by representatives of local communities and indigenous peoples to REDD. What was seen at Copenhagen as an...
Stories of Change
I must apologize. I seem to have given the impression that the Cancun talks started on Monday. My mistake; at least as far as REDD+ is concerned the...
Stories of Change
I’m on my way to Cancun. Cancun, COP 16, the shy, retiring younger sister of the anticlimactic Copenhagen, COP 15 meeting last year. This is my first...
Stories of Change
Who remembers the ‘Danish text’ from Copenhagen? A (deliberately?) clumsy release of an unfinished document that poisoned the COP15 atmosphere from...
Stories of Change
We have agreement. No need to get excited, unfortunately. This agreement concerns the appalling logistics at the Cancun conference, which may well...