Basic Climate Change
Section 1 

How and Why the Climate is Changing

1.3 Climate Intensification: Floods & Droughts

1.3.1 Climate Intensification: Floods & Droughts

1.3.2 Case Examples

An extensive image library of case examples can be found here at: BCC 1.3. Climate Intensification: Floods and Droughts. Part 2, Case Examples

1.3.3 Video: Towers in the Tempest

Hurricane intensification can be caused by phenomenon called 'hot towers', which form as air spirals inward towards the eye and is forced rapidly upwards, accelerating the movement of energy into high altitude clouds.   

1.3.4 Video: Will the Wet Get Wetter and the Dry Drier?

With the help of computer model simulations this NOAA video describes climate intensification and its causes.