Stories of Change
Many organizations around the world have highlighted the plight of tropical forests during the past several decades. Efforts to improve the situation...
Stories of Change
On Friday, August 5, RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests had the pleasure of hosting Dr. R. K. Pachauri, Nobel laureate and head of the...
Stories of Change
“Some [countries] are more advanced in community management, such as the Philippines where the role of communities has been [legally] recognised....
Stories of Change
If women were more deliberately considered in REDD+ and development projects, the significant potential of fuel-efficient stoves for improving their...
Stories of Change
A new report highlights forest planting in Asia, but there’s a more important movement growing in the region. Posted by Ben Vickers As the United...
Stories of Change
The Bangkok meeting will set the work agenda for the Ad-Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) for the rest of the year. So it’s...
Stories of Change
The biggest round of fire came from the Tuvalu delegate who caustically alluded to an attempt not to let him speak when technical audio difficulties...
Stories of Change
Perhaps that holds true for technology, but what about traditional knowledge of the natural environment? Does that still reside in the dark ages?...
Stories of Change
There is a rather pragmatic school of thought called punctuated equilibrium, which suggests society is capable of real change only when disaster...