RECOFTC Indonesia
The intensity of this smell has penetrated Ramli's life since 1986, when his father first planted coffee on his land in Bantaeng, Indonesia. “Up to...
Talk of the Forest
"It was coffee harvest time," Syafar recounts in a video produced by RECOFTC. "Traders came and said the price of coffee would go down the next day...
Talk of the Forest
Social forestry and agrarian reform in Indonesia Indonesia has a forest area of around 127 million hectares. More than 30 percent of villages in...
Talk of the Forest
Based on the Decree of the Minister of Forestry Number SK. 88/Menhut-I/2011 dated March 9th, 2011, stipulates the area of Forest Management Unit...
Pelatihan “Agroforestry for Climate Change Resilient Landscapes” yang diadakan oleh RECOFTC dan ICRAF di Pua District Provinsi Nan, Thailand, sangat...
Notes from the Field
Study Tour to Klasik Beans Cooperative On April 26 – 28, 2018, for 3 days RECOFTC Indonesia facilitated a number of coffee farmers, NGO activists,,...
Stories of Change
Practitioner's Insights
The Indonesian government is moving further away from achieving CF targets, according to an article on, which highlights Indonesia’s CF...
Stories of Change
Dr. Kusdamayanti, a senior government trainer for Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry concludes her latest lecture. She has been a...