
Browse Publications

Showing publications 206 to 210 out of 239 found.

206: Red Books for Greener Trees: Strengthening Community Forestry in Vietnam

Publication date01 Aug 2009
Author(s)Nguyen Quang Tan; Tran Ngoc Thanh; Hoang Huy Tuan; Yurdi Yasmi; Thomas Enters
PublisherRECOFTC; Forest Governance Learning Group

207: Positive and Negative Aspects of Forestry Conflict: Lessons From Decentralized Forest Management in Indonesia

Publication date01 Mar 2009
Author(s)Y. Yasmi; J. Guernier; C.J.P. Colfer
Editors(s)Alan Pottinger
PublisherCommonwealth Forestry Association

208: Forest and Poverty Data in Vietnam: Status, Gaps, and Potential Uses

Publication date01 Jan 2009
Author(s)Nguyen Ba Ngai; Nguyen Quang Tan; William D. Sunderlin; Yurdi Yasmi
PublisherRECOFTC, Rights and Resources Initiative, Vietnam Forestry University

209: RECOFTC Annual Report 2007-2008

Publication date01 Nov 2008

210: Forest-Related Conflict: Impact, Links, and Measures to Mitigate

Publication date01 Sep 2008
Author(s)Ruben de Koning; Doris Capistrano; Yurdi Yasmi; Paolo Cerutti
PublisherRights and Resources Initiative; CIFOR, RECOFTC