
Browse Publications

Showing publications 321 to 325 out of 414 found.

321: Forest Conflict in Asia and the Role of Collective Action in its Management

Publication date01 Dec 2011
Author(s)Yurdi Yasmi; Lisa Kelley; Thomas Enters
PublisherInternational Food Policy Research Institute

322: Community Carbon Accounting Research Project

Publication date01 Dec 2011

323: Two Decades of Community Forestry in Nepal: What Have We Learned?

Publication date01 Nov 2011
Editors(s)Jane Carter; Bharat Pokharel; Rudriksha Rai Parajuli
PublisherNepal Swiss Community Forestry Project

324: Divers Paths to Justice: Legal pluralism and the rights of indigenous peoples in Southeast Asia

Publication date01 Nov 2011
Author(s)Marcus Colchester; Ramy Bulan; Jennifer Corpuz; Amity Doolittle; Devasish Roy; Myrna Safitri; Gam Shimray; Prasert Trakansuphakon
Editors(s)Marcus Colchester; Sophie Chao
PublisherForest Peoples Programme; Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact

325: Forest Cover Change and Tenure: A Review of Global Literature

Publication date01 Nov 2011
PublisherHELVETAS Swiss Incorporation Nepal; Rights and Resources Initiative