41: RECOFTC Country Engagement Strategy - Thailand
Thirty-seven percent of Thailand’s land area of 51 million ha or 19 million ha is covered by forest. Half of Thailand’s 67 million...
42: Annual report 2022–2023
This annual report features a collection of stories that showcase the impact of RECOFTC's work in 2022–2023. Together, they provide an...
43: Community Forestry: Responding to both Adaptation and...
Many countries in the region are developing or revising their national climate chage adaptation strategies and it is critical that forest...
44: WAVES: Weaving Leadership for Gender Equality in Thailand...
WAVES, or Weaving Leadership for Gender Equality, is a RECOFTC initiative on gender equality in the governance of forest landscapes in...
45: Community Forestry and Forest Landscape Restoration:...
This Issue Paper builds on the contributions of staff from government and non-government organizations from across the ASEAN region, as...
46: Forest Landscape Restoration for Asia-Pacific Forests
The Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) approach, which is still in its nascent stages of development, is rapidly gaining attention as a...
47: RECOFTC Country Engagement Strategy - Myanmar
About 32 million ha, half of Myanmar’s land area, is classified as forest area. Most of the 20 million ha of other wooded land is fallow...
48: RECOFTC Landscapes
At RECOFTC, we take a long-term, landscape-based and inclusive approach to supporting local communities to secure their land and resource...
49: Forest Lives: Lessons on Sustaining Communities and Forests...
This regional synthesis paper is part of an overall effort to share the knowledge gained in five years, from 2002 - 2007, of implementing...
50: ASFCC closing event toolkit
This toolkit contains presentations from the closing event of the ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC)...