
Showing results 41 to 50 out of 95 found.

41: WAVES: Weaving Leadership for Gender Equality in Thailand...

Publication date:
Author(s): RECOFTC
Publisher: RECOFTC

WAVES, or Weaving Leadership for Gender Equality, is a RECOFTC initiative on gender equality in the governance of forest landscapes in...

42: Community Forestry and Forest Landscape Restoration:...

Publication date:
Author(s): David Gritten, Martin Greijmans, Lina Jihadah, Ronnakorn Triraganon
Publisher: RECOFTC

This Issue Paper builds on the contributions of staff from government and non-government organizations from across the ASEAN region, as...

43: Forest Landscape Restoration for Asia-Pacific Forests

Publication date:
Editors(s): Simmathiri Appanah
Publisher: FAO; RECOFTC

The Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) approach, which is still in its nascent stages of development, is rapidly gaining attention as a...

44: RECOFTC Country Engagement Strategy - Myanmar

Publication date:
Editors(s): RECOFTC
Publisher: RECOFTC

About 32 million ha, half of Myanmar’s land area, is classified as forest area. Most of the 20 million ha of other wooded land is fallow...

45: RECOFTC Landscapes

Publication date:
Author(s): RECOFTC
Publisher: RECOFTC

At RECOFTC, we take a long-term, landscape-based and inclusive approach to supporting local communities to secure their land and resource...

46: Forest Lives: Lessons on Sustaining Communities and Forests...

Publication date:
Author(s): RECOFTC
Publisher: RECOFTC

This regional synthesis paper is part of an overall effort to share the knowledge gained in five years, from 2002 - 2007, of implementing...

47: ASFCC closing event toolkit

Publication date:
Publisher: RECOFTC, ASEAN Working Group on Social Forestry, Civil Society Forum on Social Forestry in ASEAN, Government of the Philippines, Government of Indonesia, Forest and Farm Facility

This toolkit contains presentations from the closing event of the ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC)...

48: Community Forestry Adaptation Roadmaps to 2020 for Asia

Publication date:
Editors(s): RECOFTC
Publisher: RECOFTC

There is a vast and unrecognized opportunity for community forestry to strengthen national resilience to climate change through...

49: WAVES: Weaving Leadership for Gender Equality 2019–2022

Publication date:
Author(s): RECOFTC
Publisher: RECOFTC

WAVES, or Weaving Leadership for Gender Equality, is a RECOFTC initiative on gender equality in the governance of forest landscapes in...

50: Forests and Climate Change after Lima

Publication date:
Editors(s): RECOFTC; FAO
Publisher: RECOFTC; FAO

The outcomes of COP 20 are expected to have a significant impact on developments in the field of forests and climate change over the coming...