51: Community Forestry Adaptation Roadmaps to 2020 for Asia
There is a vast and unrecognized opportunity for community forestry to strengthen national resilience to climate change through...
52: Video competition 2020: Forests and pandemics
Tell us in a 1-minute video how can protecting forests prevent pandemics for a chance to win a GoPro camera and be recognised by the UN!...
53: WAVES: Weaving Leadership for Gender Equality 2019–2022
WAVES, or Weaving Leadership for Gender Equality, is a RECOFTC initiative on gender equality in the governance of forest landscapes in...
54: Forests and Climate Change after Lima
The outcomes of COP 20 are expected to have a significant impact on developments in the field of forests and climate change over the coming...
55: Building resilience through community forestry: RECOFTC...
Read RECOFTC’s digital annual report, “Building resilience through community forestry.” This report covers the period October 2017 to...
56: RECOFTC Country Engagement Strategy - Cambodia
Of Cambodia's total area of 18 million ha, about 57 percent (10 million ha) was covered by forest in 2009. Most of the population is...
57: Pathways for the recognition of customary forest tenure in...
Globally, about 2 billion people live under a customary tenure system, which is a set of rules and norms that govern local peoples’ use of...
58: Community forestry models in Asia-Pacific
This publication is a compilation of infosheets that provide overview of the formal community forestry models in RECOFTC’s seven countries...
59: Private sector partnership
At RECOFTC, we work with private sector partners who share our belief in a future where people live equitably and sustainably in and beside...
60: Supporting Sustainable Forest Landscapes Across Asia and...
This annual report explores RECOFTC's achievements throughout the 2016 - 2017 year, particularly noting how vital forests are to solving...