Stories of Change
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) as a climate change mitigation instrument is an attractive way for developed...
Stories of Change
Perhaps my children won’t get to go to the best schools in the city, but they must have a healthy and nutritious diet. If you are saying that honey...
Stories of Change
There are a number of reasons why REDD+ forest carbon has received such widespread attention. Perhaps the least romantic reason… Low-cost REDD+REDD+...
Stories of Change
During a recent visit to Lao PDR, I had the opportunity to participate in a grassroots level awareness raising event initiated by RECOFTC’s...
Stories of Change
On 7 February 2013, a group of representatives from RECOFTC’s key donors travelled together with staff members on a 3-hour journey out of Bangkok to...
Stories of Change
RECOFTC's Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+ project team shares highlights from the recent national level expert seminar on Gender, Forestry,...
Stories of Change
February 28, 2013, Houay Xai, Bokeo, Lao PDR Teak smallholders in Ban (village) Houaythongtai in Phaktha district, Bokeo province, Lao PDR, have been...
Stories of Change
Forest Connect, established in 2007 by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and IIED (International Institute for...
Stories of Change
"Change is coming to Myanmar — the Southeast Asian country formerly known as Burma — at a rapid pace. With a burgeoning influx of outside interests...