RECOFTC Indonesia
Câu chuyện

Forest Management Unit - Jeneberang II

18 September 2018
Talk of the Forest
FGD Sinjai

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Forestry Number SK. 88/Menhut-I/2011 dated March 9th, 2011, stipulates the area of Forest Management Unit (FMU) of South Sulawesi Province, which covers an area of ± 1,814,490 ha, consisting of protected forest with an area of ± 1,202.753 ha; the production forest with an area of ± 128,020 ha; and limited production forest with an area of ± 483,717 ha. Among the designated FMUs are the FMU Model of Jeneberang which covers several districts which are Sinjai, Bulukumba, Bantaeng, Gowa, Jeneponto, and Takalar. The FMU Jeneberang Model is stipulated by a Minister of Forestry Decree Number SK.715/Menhut-II/2011 dated December 19th, 2011, with an area of ± 160,854 ha consisting of protecting forest area of ± 60,451 ha, limited production forest area of ± 54,932 ha, and production forest area of ± 45,471 ha. 

In 2017, the FMU Model of Jeneberang was broken down in two FMUs. The new FMU became the FMU Unit XV Jeneberang II through the decree of Forestry and Environment Minister number SK.665/MENLHK/SETJEN/PLA.0/11/2017 and South Sulawesi Governor Regulation Number 45 Year 2018. Its area is 30,216.61 ha. The management area includes the districts of Bantaeng, Bulukumba and Sinjai. The area is divided into protected forest area covering 18,116.75 ha (60%), production forest area of 3,161.77 ha (10%) and limited production forest area of 8,938.09 ha (30%).  

The government has determined that FMU development is one of the national priorities and tt needs all the stakeholders’ commitments. The stages of FMU development that have been running are the establishment of management areas and institutional formation. The next step is preparing a forest management plan. Currently the FMU Jeneberang II is drafting a Long Term Forest Management Plan (RPHJP). The forest management plan is prepared by referring to the national, provincial, district, and city forestry plans by taking into account the aspirations, cultural values of the local community, and the environmental conditions. The FMU Jeneberang II ensures that the plans are built based on the needs and interests of different stakeholders. The government, academics, social / community movement activists, and development partners need to be together in one row and consolidated for this FMU development.

Through the RAFT (Responsible Asia Forestry and Trade) partnership program, RECOFTC collaborates with the government, CSOs / NGOs, and universities to strengthen community capacity in business development that will improve the quality of livelihoods and welfare of the community, especially communities around the forest.  One of the activities is facilitation in the writing process of the FMU Jeneberang II’s long term forest development plan, in collaboration with the University of Hasanuddin and Balang Institute.

FMU Jeneberang II conducted discussions with community representative of Sinjai District. ©RECOFTC

The writing process is led by a team from Hassanuddin University with a coaching clinic method that was conducted several times in campus. The coaching clinic process is an activity by discussing data and draft articles, to check whether these data have fulfilled the requirements contained in government regulations regarding the making of the management plan. The regulation is the Regulation of the Director General of Forestry Planology Number: P.5 / VII-WP3H / 2012 concerning Technical Guidelines for Forest Management and Preparation of Forest Management Plans for Protection Forest Management Units and Production Forest Management Unit. 

Coaching clinic RPHJP
Coaching clinic of writing the Long Term Forest Management Plan of FMU Jeneberang II, with the team from Hassanuddin University. ©RECOFTC

In the process of completing the data, in addition of the field data collection, it also used focus group discussions and public consultation. The focus group discussion was held on September 1st, 2018. This activity aims to discuss with key stakeholders in Bantaeng, Bulukumba and Sinjai districts about the management blocks of FMU Jeneberang II. This process is needed to avoid future management conflicts. Public consultation is done with wider stakeholders both at the district and provincial government level, the private sector and the community. 

RECOFTC through the Responsible Asia Forestry and Trade program (RAFT 3), and in collaboration with Hassanuddin University and Balang Institute, provides support for the preparation of Long Term Forest Management Plan of FMU Jeneberang II. This support is in the form of facilitating a coaching clinic in writing the plan and public consultation. The expected outcome of this collaboration is the existence of Long Term Forest Management Plan of FMU Jeneberang II which pays attention to the interests of the parties in the FMU management landscape.