Trees and Bees

Collaboration: RECOFTC and Holistic Development Nepal [HD Nepal]

The Memorandum of Understanding between RECOFTC and HDN was signed on the 10th of May 2019 concerning technical cooperation on activities related to RECOFTC's climate change adaptation initiatives.

RECOFTC is currently working in promoting adaptation techniques and activities that address climate change (CC) and more so intensively on tailored made initiatives in minimising the direct effect of CC on poor and vulnerable families directly dependent on forest and natural resources in Eastern Chure Terai Complex Landscape and Sacred Himalayan Landscape of Nepal.

Sharing similar vision; Holistic Development Nepal (HD Nepal), is currently topping RECOFTC initiatives closely linked with 'Trees and Bees’ and ‘Mission Butter and Honey’ in Sharlahi district of Nepal to improve the livelihoods of local people and promote 'Apiculture' and its forage area development. 

Hereafter, RECOFTC and HD Nepal will collaborate to share opportunities to scale up ‘Trees and Bees’ and ‘Mission Butter and Honey’ initiatives in RECOFTC’s prioritized landscapes of Nepal to deliver better livelihoods, climate change adaptation techniques/initiatives to poor, needy and vulnerable communities across prioritised landscapes of Nepal.